Building a Home Bar

Being that we’re in bourbon city, I feel confident in adding my voice to this topic. Also, fun fact:

“the Bluegrass State produces and ages approximately 95 percent of the world’s bourbon whiskey.” How Kentucky Became the World’s Bourbon Capital

I do defer to the professionals but what follows below is my personal take on how we’ve built our home bar.

Anders Erickson

Basic Bourbons to have on hand

Woodford Reserve

Bulleit – don’t forget the rye!

Buffalo trace: easy on the budget and palate.

New & different (regional): Evan Williams

Jeptha Creed

Jefferson’s Ocean

Foundational Gins

Aviation is my newfound favorite. We always stock New Amsterdam, Citidel and St George Terrior gin since it carries nostalgia from the Bay Area.

The local favorite in Louisville, Kentucky is Castle and Key. They do seasonal, small batch releases that are phenomenal neat or taking your everyday gin & tonic cocktail to the next level.


I keep Betty Buzz on hand. Thank you, Blake lively.

Fever Tree

And good ole tonic h2o.

Aperitif, sippers & liqueur

Ume Akashi plum Japanese whisky

Local: Copper & Kings brandy


Umm hello, anything from Napa.

We like to stock up on Sauv Blancs from Trader Joe’s.

For Reds, we usually have a bottle of Cross Barn by Paul Hobbs, Justin ISOSCELES are fabulous bottles to have on hand.

These are my personal views and opinion and do not reflect those of my employer.